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Physical DescriptionPhysically Sectoid stand 5 ½ feet tall, have two arms ending in mandible claws, and four legs.  They appear to have a hunch back.  This is actually their birth pouch.  Sectoid are an asexual race and can procreate at will, with their young grown in their back pouch. 

CapsuleThe Sectoid are an odd insect race from the the world Chk'tek, or at least that is the nearest translation from the Sectoid language.  They are a hive race known known for their knowledge and storage of information.  Their hives are made up of intricate webs.  These webs act as an organic computer storage, holding all the information the Sectoid can gather.  The webs are spun by the collective hive, with no imprisoned Sectoids ever being able, or recreate such webs.  Through the webs the Sectoid have a hive telepathy, and even to other hives.  As their technology progressed through trade dealings with the Old Republic the Sectoid have ventured into space.  They have created similar hives in the asteroids on the edge of their solar system.  The webs have been microscopically aligned so they form part of what is now known as the Solar-Web.  The Solar-Web allows telepathic communication between any Sectoid in the system, is capable of holding apparently infinite amounts of information and even acts as a receiver, picking up communications from across the galaxy.  This has allowed the Sectoid to gather insurmountable amounts of information.  This has not necessarily gone in their favour, especially with those with things to hide.  The Old Republic, shortly before the Clone Wars, put sanctions on the Sectoids trading of information causing a rift that pushed the Sectoid to side with the Separatists during the Clone Wars conflicts.  When the Empire came to power Emperor Palpatine maintained the sactions imposed by the Republic.  The Sectoid then started to trade through more unscrupulous clients, primarily the Hutts.  However, such dealings can never be good.  When Black Sun found out the Sectoid had traded Black Sun secrets to their rivals they betrayed the Sectoid to the Empire.  An Imperial fleet devastated the Sectoid Solar Web as well as destroying several key hives on the planets surface.  The Empire now maintains martial law in the sector with travel to or from Sectoid space illegal.

Personality During the millennia of the Old Republic the Sectoid were a welcoming happy race.  With the rise of the Empire, and the sanctions imposed on their people they have become bitter, withdrawn and suspicious of outsiders.

Language:  Sectoid (a series of clicks similar to other insect races such as the Flakax) 

Example names:  k'kk'chk, clk'tk, ssk'k'tk (and similar difficult to translate names)

Age:  Child 1-2; young adult 3-6; adult 7-30; middle age 31-38; old 39-50; venerable 51+ 

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +3 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 10.

Species Abilities

Mandible claw: unarmed damage 1D6

Telepathy with own kind within Solar Web or Hive

Insanity: for every month away from the hive, for the first 12 months, they must make a Will DC 15 or lose permanent -1 to Int & Wis.  If either fall below 7 the Sectoid will go mad, often attacking anyone who goes near.

+1 to Int or Wis can be recovered by returning it to the hive for treatment.  Rarely can they leave the hive again.


from Knights of the Old Republic


The Selkath are the dominant sentient species of Manaan, a small aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. Though Manaan is far from the Core and does not lie in the path of any major hyperspace lanes, its status as the sole exporter of Kolto healing fluid proved pivotal during conflicts between the Jedi and Sith during the height of the Old Republic.

Physical DescriptionThe Selkaths’ marine origin is obvious in their appearance, which suggests an evolutionary heritage of amphibians or undersea mammals. They possess thee-fingered hands and fin-like feet. Their rubbery, mottled hides are most often blue or gray.

Personality:  While Selkath personalities range as widely as those of Humans, they have a tendency toward arrogance. They possess an awareness of their surroundings and a reputation as skilled healers. Most Selkath live their entire lives beneath the waves on Manaan, but some residents of Ahto City find their way off-planet and on to more adventurous lives

Language:  Basic, Selkath

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 10.

Species Abilities

  • +6 species bonus to Swim checks.

  • +4 species bonus on Telepathy checks (Selkath are not active telepaths but are quite sensitive to telepathy in other species).

  • +2 species bonus on all saves made underwater.

  • -2 on all saves in a dry environment.

  • Breathe Underwater: Selkath cannot drown in water.

  • Poison: Selkath claws can inject venom into an enemy that deals 2d6 points of damage on a successful attack (DC 18 Fort save) and another 1d6 points after 5 rounds (DC 14 Fort save). Using poison in a fight is considered unseemly by many Selkath and was outlawed on ancient Manaan.

History of Manaan

Many centuries ago the planet Manaan was renown across the galaxy for Kolto production, Kolto being used for many medicinal purposes.  As the dark times grew near, the the Selkath tried in vane to remain neutral in the war between the Old Republic and the Sith.  Their attempts were in vane as the planet became embroiled in galactic politics that brought the war to Manaan, destroying Kolto production. From that point on Manaan went into technological decline.  The great City of Ahto, which was built to accommodate off-worlders was all but abandoned, the Selkath returning to the oceans.

As the Selkath government fell young rival warlords would fight for power bringing many civil wars.  By now the world of Manaan was all but forgotten from the galactic stage.

During the time of the Empire the Selkath became nothing more than a slave race, already living as near primitives when the thousand strong army of aquatic Stormtroopers arrived.  The Empire now maintains a garrison on their world with the system patrolled by two Star Destroyers.  The Selkath are forbidden from the watery depths of Manaan, and must now live in shanty towns on the surface, many not far from the once great Ahto City.

As far as the Empire knows, Manaan's entire native population has been forced from the depths, humiliated, and utterly demoralized.

As far as the Empire knows.

Of course, the complimentary copy of the Guide to Beautiful Manaan every tourist receives has a slightly different take on the Selkath.


Selkath Commoner (Rebellion Era): Init +0; Defense 10; Spd 10 m; VP/WP 0/12; Atk +0 melee (1d3 + poison, claws) or +0 ranged; SQ Species traits; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0; SZ M; FP 0; DSP 0; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8. Challenge Code A.

Skills: Craft +2, Knowledge +2, Swim +6.

Feats: None.

Equipment: Simple clothing, Ancient Selkath vibroblade (attack +2, damage +4




In all physical appearances Tatoo are human.  The true name of their race and homeworld is lost in time.  The name Tatoo comes simply from shortening 'tattoo,' due to the multitude of ritual tattoos each member of the race covers their body with.

Many millennia ago their entire race were enslaved by an evil Sith Lord who subjected them to heinous dark magic experiments.  During this time most of the race were killed.  The resulting experiments left the few remnants of the Tatoo with extreme telepathy.  This telepathy is a curse upon the Tatoo and is virtually uncontrollable.  Most Tatoo suffer from a form of mental claustrophobia caused by the multitude of other peoples thoughts in their mind.  Unlike other telepathic races Tatoo cannot 'turn off' this telepathy and pick up the thoughts of everyone within a five mile radius. 

The tattoos started as a form of ritual believed to quiet their mind and help them control the curse.  The tattoos do nothing to stop the curse but the pain of creating the tattoos, which they perform themselves, goes someway to blotting out thoughts they pick up.

Most Tatoo encountered will be in wildernesses, rarely near towns or villages, and never in a city or spaceport.  Though concentration they can sometimes pick out single thoughts. 

It is rumoured that the Imperial Inquisition has several Tatoo slaves used for extracting information from unwilling prisoners.

Physical Description:  Tatoo are near humans.  Through personal rituals they cover themselves with tattoos which they believe will help keep back their curse. 

Cultures:  The few remaining Tatoo are solitary beings as being in the company of other causes them great pain. 

Personality When first encountered they will be polite, often asking travelers to move on and leave them be.  If their requests are ignored they can become quite violent.  Tatoo found in cities tend to have been driven insane. 

Language:  Basic

Age:  Child 1-11; young adult 12-16; adult 17-30; middle age 31-55; old 65-85; venerable 85+ 

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: None

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 10.

Species Abilities

Feats: Gain Force Sensitive, gain one addition feat at character creation as humans.

Telepathy:  Tatoo can automatically hear the thoughts of everyone within a ten mile radius.  This cannot be blocked out, and the Tatoo must concentrate hard or be overcome with the multitude of voices.

To Block out the thoughts of other a Willpower check must be made

Number of people Willpower DC
1-5 small party of travelers DC 10
6-20 large party of travelers DC 15
21-100 small gathering DC 20
101-1000 large gathering or small village DC 25
1000-10000 small town DC 30
10000+ large town or city DC 40

To Listen to an individual the Tatoo must have first made a Successful Willpower check
Listen check is then made with the same DC.

If an individual knows a Tatoo is in the area they can attempt to block their own thoughts with a Willpower DC 20.


The Veeaz are one of the few races that live in Otherspace and have survived the onslaught of constant Charon invasion. Their world being a barren rocky and mountainous world. Few scientists have studied the Veeaz. Even though they show nothing more than a stone age technology it is believed that this is through choice. Some believe that Otherspace was not their true home, but is in fact the final destination of a refugee ship on the run from the forces of the Dark Side.

All Veeaz have a Telekenetic natural trait, and are capable of combining their 'power' for the greater good of their community. In times of danager the Veeaz will join their minds as one and repel any attacks with and enornmous 'force push' that no being is currently capable of resisting. The Charon are growing wise to thsi 'power' of the Veeaz are are planning more subtle ways of 'sacrificing' these aliens to the Void.

Physical DescriptionIn appearance the Veeza are stocky bipedal aliens between 5'6" and 6' in height. They have two stubby fingures and a thumb on each of their two hands. The heads are think at the back, narrowing into what at first appears to be a snout, but is in fact a their mouth. Veeaz have but four teeth, two upper and lower canines only. Their eyes are huge and bulbous on the side of their heads. Veeaz also have antennae, used in telepathic communication between themselves up to a range of 100M.

Cultures:  Veeaz lead a primitive life despite it believed they come from a once highly technological society.  They are a peaceful people, ruled by a democratically elected Chieftain. 

Personality Veeaz are friendly, yet suspicious.  Their culture has been destroyed once by the forces of darkness, and they do not wish to let their guard down again. 

Language:  Veeaz, telepathy

Age:  Child 1-8; young adult 8-18; adult 19-50; middle age 51-140; old 141-200; venerable 201+ 

Species Traits

Ability Modifiers: +1 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence, -1 Constitution, -1 Charisma

Medium Sized: No modifier

Speed:  Base Speed 8.

Species Abilities

Bonus Feats:  All Veeaz have the Force Sensitive and Alter feats.

Force skill limitation:  Under normal circumstances Veeaz can not add ranks onto Force skills, unless they have a master to train them.

Move Object:  Despite being limited in increasing force skills, any number of Veeaz may combine on Move Object checks.


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