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Who are the Time Bandits?

The Time Bandits are a group of mercenaries working for the Celestial Intervention Agency, a secret agency of Time Lords.  They are picked primarily for their combat prowess, although there are a few scholars and techs in their small 'family'.

Why were the Time Bandits formed?

The Time Lords have a policy of non-intervention in other planets affairs.  Despite this the Time Lords do not like others challenging their monopoly on Time Travel. Then the Celestial Intervention Agency comes in.  They take responsibility in 'correcting' damage to the time-line caused by time-meddlers such as the NBO.  The Time Bandits, simply put, do the dirty work of the Time Lords.

Time Bandit HQ is in Crix City, on the moon Shaldo of the planet Caldon.  Crix City exists at the end of time, a metropolis for all that remains of life in the universe.

Ugavine speaks: Okay, I know this is meant to be a Star Wars RPG site, and Time Travel doesn't necessarily fit well in Star Wars. There are a couple of reasons why this group was formed.  1) In order to expand on the scope of our adventures while still enjoying the feel of the star Wars Universe, & 2)  To allow players a few characters that they could use in any Era.  Oh, there is a  three, because we happen to think the Time Bandits are cool.



 Doctor Ugavine

Capsule: Doctor Ugavine is a high ranking Tech.  In his society that makes him a very important person.  After all, only a primitive war orientated race would consider military ranked individual, such as General or Admiral, as a leader.  Doctor Ugavine is arrogant, even for a Nosferartau.  He classes all other races as primitives, which is mostly true on a technological level.  Even so, Dr.Ugavine cares.  He cares passionately for peace and freedom.  Slavery and war disturb him very much.  He doesn't see why two armies would want to fight to the death causing pain and suffering when they could just sit down and discuss things over supper.  He knows his way is the right way, because he's always right.

Doctor Ugavine many years ago aided the Jedi Knights, and was an associate to Jedi Master Yoda.  Though even the Jedi Master found him annoying.  Ugavine was elected Chief of his people the Nosferartau.  This is not a position of power but of standing.  He was the figurehead and ambassador for his people.  That was until he was killed by the assassin Nish, which he was rather unhappy about.  Naturally Ugavine appealed against his death, and due to his high standing within his society was granted the honour of re-cloning.  Even that didn't go to plan when his new clone body was inhabited by the Dark Lord Phantillian before his own mind could be transferred.  Fortunately his primitive ally DAX saved him and he was eventually restored.  He did however lose his title as Chief as it is forbidden in Nosferartau society for a re-clone to hold that position.

Doctor Ugavine was not long later contacted by the Time Lord Balthasar.  the time Lord instructed Ugavine to join the Time Bandits, and he had no choice but to obey as a Nosferartau must obey the commands of a Time Lord.

 character type

 Noble / Tech / Engineer


 Time Bandits






 "I'm not exactly breaking the laws of time, but I am bending them a little."



"Me, most wanted, preposterous.  It's hypocritical of an illegally elected government to make such a bold accusation.  I merely represent the beliefs and ideals of the Old Republic.  Not some primitive power mad primate.  Humans.  Primitives.  I don't know why I bother really."


 player ID







Doctor Ugavine D20 RPG stats

Level 10: Tech (Noble 1 / Tech Specialist 5 / Engineer 4)

Str 11, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 22, Wis 17, Cha 17

VP/WP: (60)/11, Defense 17 (+6 class, -1 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Misc.), Init -1, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +9, Rep 3

Attack Melee +7/+2, Ranged +6/+1

Skills: Astrogate +9, Command +12, Computers +21, Craft (Droids) +15, Craft (Starships) +17, Demolitions +8, Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +18, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Engineering) +19, Knowledge (Technology) +19, Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +11, Knowledge (Alien Races) +11, Pilot +5, Profession (Tech) +3, Repair +21 (+4 to items designed himself), Search +10, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Treat Injury +15.

Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabre), Gearhead, Kit-Bashing, Starship Operation (Transports), Weapon Group (Simple), Weapon Group (Blaster Pistols).

Class bonus: Exceptional Dodge, Favour +1, Personal Design bonus +4, Efficiency (Craft +1), Structural Analysis +1, Personal Design (Computer Use)

Quirks / Odd abilities: Has a really whiney voice and uses it to great effect.



Doctor Ugavine D6 stats

Blaster 5D Alien Races 5D Astrogation 4D+2
Brawl Parry 2D Bureaucracy 5D Starship Piloting 3D+1
Dodge 7D+2 Languages 5D Starship Shields 2D+1
Melee Parry 4D Planetary Systems 5D    
Melee 2D Technology 8D    
Lightsabre 5D        
Bargain 4D+1 Brawl 2D+1 Computers Prog/Rep 7D
Command 5D Climb/Jump 3D+1 Droid Prog/Rep 6D
Con 4D+2 Stamina 4D First Aid 5D+1
Hide/Sneak 5D     Repulsorlift Rep 5D+1
        Security 6D
        Starship Repair 6D+1
        Time Machine Rep. 5D+1
Droid Engineering (A) 1D+1        
Medicine (A) 2D        
Computer Engineering (A) 2D        


GM notes: So here he is.  Without Dr.Ugavine the Warriors of Gar would not be what they are.  Ugavine was one of my earliest characters, but not a PC at first.  There are many aspects to this character.  He is a mesh of Randal (played by David Rappaport in Time Bandits), Pat Troughtons Doctor (in Dr.Who), an Ugnaught, a bit of Dr.Evil (from Austin Powers) has crept in, Bilbo Baggins (the Hobbit) and Simon Holden (err.. that's me).



 MINION - Mark IV Draygon Construct

Capsule: MINION was a failed experiment by the Draygons to create a cheap expendable soldier.  He failed to be as strong as the Draygons desired, and the brain transplant caused damage making him too unstable for Draygon needs.  Scheduled for termination it was the Rebel DAX that freed him, after he freed her from the Draygons.  MINION spent some time with the Rebel Alliance, and then with the now disbanded Wildcats Bounty Hunter Guild before being recruited into the Time Bandits.  MINION has the mind of a child and the body of a near unstoppable killing machine.  He looks at everything with a child-like wonder but is a capable fighter and is defiantly one individual you do not want an altercation with.  He is often seen in the company of his sparring partner KANE or the 'love' of his life, the Zeltron Tanya.

Quirks / Odd abilities: Collects cuddly toys, has excellent dental hygiene.


















 character type

 Draygon Construct


 Time Bandits


 n/a - clone construct





 player ID






(see my gallery @ Shadowspawns Lair for a larger picture of Minion & Tanya)


Blaster 6D Survival 4D Repulsorlift Op. 3D+2
Brawl Parry 4D+2 Starship Gunnery 5D
Dodge 5D Starship Piloting 6D
Melee 7D
Wrestling 5D
Search 4D Brawling 7D First Aid 5D
Intimidation 5D Lifting 7D Weapon Repair 4D
Stamina 7D

Natural Armour +1D

Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Armoured spacesuit (+1D), Vibro-blade, Thermal Detonator


Viper & Bossko B.

Click here or on image to go to Viper & Bossko B. page

 Lord 'Stone Cold' Austin

Capsule: It was one of the Tapani Sectors finest affairs.  The location was Procopia, and an exclusive Pelagian Gala Ball.  Dress was formal and admission was by invitation only.  But all the Lords and Ladies of Tapani were invited.  Only one Lord was missed off the guest list, and he hadn't been seen in the Sector for a couple of years anyway.  Besides, he was a foul mouthed undignified man.  Only today Lord Austin was in the Sector.  

"I'm sorry sir, this is a private engagement," the security guard had said.  The man before him was dressed in denims, boots and a leather waist coat and was by no means dressed for the Sector, let alone a Pelagian Gala Ball.


"Sorry sir, without and invite, and your attire, I can not allow..." STUNNER!

Austin dropped the Stone Cold Stunner on the unsuspecting security guard.  The Matre Dee rushed out, so Austin Stunned him too.  The Security guards ran to arrest this thug.  So Austin Stunnered them too!  After a small chase Austin was arrested.  Only then did he reveal himself as Pelagian Lord Austin.  He was of course released, and to Lady Savants dismay added a bit  of 'colour' to the event.  Knocking back a few beers Lord Austin had returned to the Tapani Sector to raise some hell!  And that's the bottom line, cuz' Stone Cold said so!














 character type

 Noble / Protagonist


 Time Bandits






 "And that's the Bottom Line, cuz' Stone Cold said so!"


 "Time Bandits 3:16 said we just kicked your ass!"


"What?  What?  You got a problem you dumb sonovva bitch?  What?  Am I a Lord?  What?  Am I a noble?  What?  Am I a Time Bandit?  What?  Am I a beer swillin' red neck sonovva bitch that's gonna' kick your ass?  Oh Hell yeah!"


 player ID







 Violator - Draygon Construct

Capsule:  Lady Savant of the Tapani Sector had been getting visions of her mother on a small Tapani moon.  When she got there the whole village, mostly Wookiees, seemed to be hiding something.  Lord Armageddon the Draygon High Lord of House Tapani, knew that the renegade Mercetti Lord Drax was up to something.  Indeed he was.  On this moon was an aged Sith Lord.  If he was to be killed his spirit would pass into his killer.  Drax wanted possession of this Sith Spirit.  Armageddon, and ally of Drax, did not wish Drax to have that much power so sent one of his Constructs to deal with the situation.  Upon arrival The Mark VI construct proved to be homicidal, killing the wookiees he first came into contact with.  The orders came for him to protect the Lady Savant, causing Savant to feel slightly uneasy that this monster was stalking her.  Lady Savant and Lord Drax eventually found the aged Sith Lord, Carrakkabacca, a Wookiee, otherwise known as Darth Carnage, too old to move from his chair.  Drax attacked along with assassins of the Macrosa Order.  Violator received a new order, destroy all Sith!  Violator strode across the cavern of Darth Carnages lair.  Then to the shock of Lady Savant, he stopped by the Dark Lord, and raised his machete, a Ryyk blade taken from a Wookiee, to carry out his murderous orders.  He had to be stopped.  Vixen, the the Mistryl Shadow bodyguard of Lady Savant, leapt into action a threw a Zenzai needle at the Draygon Construct.  The hardened razor sharp needle penetrated Violator armour piercing his forehead.  The monster collapsed, and the Sith Lord died of natural causes preventing Drax from stealing his spirit.  Pelagia had won this round.  Then to the surprise of all Violator sat up and pulled the needle from his head.  He was still alive, but confused.  His mind was silent.  He could no longer hear the orders of Armageddon.  The Zenzai needle had damaged the Draygon mind control receiver in his head and Violator now had free will.  Stone Cold knew that the Tapani Sector was no place for a creature like this, but knew exactly where he would fit it.  With the Time Bandits.

Quirks / Odd abilities: Has never seen himself in the mirror.


 character type

 Draygon Construct


 Time Bandits


 n/a - clone construct


 6 months



 player ID








Capsule: The Big Red Machine is the heart of the Time Bandits.  Along with MINION, the pair are the powerhouse of the Time Bandits.  Little is known of KANE.  It is known that he is one of the shape-changing Mire who has become 'stuck' in his present form.  He originally lived in the 'Tales of the Jedi Era', and he is believed to be the brother of the Dark Lord Insidious Vile.  Whether to Mire the term brother refers to family or merely race is not known, and Kane answers few questions about his past and will not talk of his connections with the Dark Lord.  If you press him into answering questions be prepared for the answer, the CHOKESLAM FROM HELL!

Quirks / Odd abilities: scared of fire, always has a milkshake with breakfast.










 character type



 Time Bandits





 player ID







Capsule: Like KANE, little is known of the past of The Phenom.  It is known that he comes from the planet Gar, Beyond the Blood Drift, and is a tough fighter.  There is more to the self proclaimed Lord of Darkness.  Early in his days with the Time Bandits The Phenom came face to face with a skeletal adversary.  The two came to blows, and despite a chokeslam, the cowled skeletal figure fought back.  Eventually The Phenom hit his opponent with the Tombtone Piledriver, a killing blow.  Then the unexpected happened.  The creature transformed back into a normal man, and the black cowl materialised over the Phenom.  He had slain DEATH himself.  Now he would become DEATH, the Grim Reaper, Harbinger of Souls.  When not in Crix City The Phenom resides in his castle fortress in Purgatory.  When working for the Time Bandits he is seen piloting his starship, The Tombstone.

Despite his many attempts to look fearsome and intimidating it always fails, usually due to Viper or Bossko B.  Both of them tease the life (or Death) out of the Phenom.  At first the Phenom was furious at the two, but the Phenom could never best Bossko in a fight.  He has now accepted the two loonies. Viper, Bossko B. and Phenom are now three of the closest 'Bandits.

Quirks / Odd abilities: Master of Origami, can recite the Last Rites even after five Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blasters!







 character type

 Death, aka. Grim Reaper


 Time Bandits


 Garbarian - near human




 "Rest... in... peace...!!!"

 player ID






Blaster 4D+2 Survival 3D Starship Piloting 4D
Dodge 5D        
Wrestling 6D        
    Brawling 8D    
    Lifting 6D+1    
    Stamina 7D    

Equipment: Thunderer Pistol, Medpac, Comlink, Starship (The Tombstone)


Ugavine note: Although several of the characters on this page have likeness's to existing characters, the likeness stops visually.  E.g. The Phenom of the Warriors of Gar is NOT the Undertaker of the WWE.  The players have merely used an image of that character as a representation of their Star Wars character to allow them further enjoyment of the game.



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