One of the finest TV shows to hit our screens in recent years (along with Farscape). The LEXX is a giant bug-like starship and is quite simply the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universe's (or Universe singular since Mantrid destroyed the Light Universe) and would without a doubt kick ass against even the Death star. The adventures of the Lexx crew do tend to go along the lines of :- Stan wants Xev but Xev doesn't want Stan. Xev wants Kai, but Kai is dead. Kai being dead has no wants or needs. And 790, the robot head wants Xev (or Kai in Series 3) but can't because he's just a robot head. So Xev goes looking for fun and gets into trouble. Stan goes to save Xev and gets into trouble. 790 lusts after Xev and insults Stan. Kai saves the day. (Zev) Xev Bellringer of B3K
* denotes skill is drawing upon Cluster lizard abilities Zev Bellringer of B3K was not a pretty person. She was raised in a box in the Cluster and trained to be a servile wife. After punching out her husband to be Zev was sentenced to be a love slave. During the process to transform her into a mega space-babe her DNA was mixed with that of a Cluster lizard, a ferocious creature that lives in the Cluster. Breaking free of her bonds Zev escaped with out receiving the love-slave programming, instead she shoved a robot head under the mind-processor. Zev escaped the Cluster with Stanley Tweedle in a starship known as the Lexx. In the process they killed His Devine Shadow and freed the assassin known as Kai. Zev met her demise while saving Kai, being vaporized by a plasma beam. She was reincarnated later as Xev by the carnivorous plant known as Lykka. Even without the love slave programming Xev has an immeasurably accelerated libido. Stanley Tweedle, security guard 4th class
the arch-traitor Stanley Tweedle unwittingly allowed the forces of his divine Shadow to follow him into the Cluster and destroy over 900 inhabited worlds. Serving as a Security guard 4th class Stanley Tweedle committed several petty crimes which eventually led to him being wanted with his crimes punishable by death. Stan along with Zev managed to steal the Lexx, His Devine Shadows new ultimate weapon. Stan has the key to the Lexx, so is therefore the Captain. The key can only be passed on at time of death or at the point of ultimate sexual satisfaction. Kai, last of the Bunen-G
** Kai is dead so is not effected by physical Stamina. *** Kai is a bio-engineered assassin and is rather heavy. He does not float and can not swim. Special Abilities :- Kai is already dead so can not be killed. His body can be damaged, but it will eventually pull itself together again. Only extreme damage (eg. being dropped into a Star) will destroy Kai. Severing his limbs or head does slow him down however! The last of his people, the Brunen-G were destroyed by His Devine Shadow two thousand years before he met Zev and Stanley. Kai too was killed, but His Devine Shadow decided to keep Kai, and to re-animate his body through the use of proto-blood. A mindless servile slave to His Devine Shadow Kai was used as an assassin. His targets were not important, great philosophers, mothers with their babies, the strong, the weak. Kai eventually broke free of the control of His Devine Shadow and fulfilled the prophecy that the last of the Brunen-G would indeed destroy the Devine Order. Kai's unlife is limited. He must 'feed' on the limited stocks of proto-blood stored on the Lexx, therefore to extend his life Kai 'sleeps' in a cryogenic chamber until he is needed. The LEXX
* Lexx is capable of producing consumables for the crew, but this is provided Lexx is fed regularly. The Lexx is the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes, now only the one after Mantrid destroyed the Light Universe. Capable of destroying an entire planet Lexx is a bio-technical starship. Grown in the Cluster Lexx is a giant bug and was planned to be the pride of His Devine Shadow's fleet. However, the key got transferred into Stanley Tweedle, who effectively stole the Lexx.