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Starships of the Galaxy |
The Great Reclaim History Captain Hekkik salvaged the starship Sandstorm, ironically, after it had crashed during a sand storm in the deserts of Tatooine killing its crew. Hekkik and his band of Jawa scavengers pieced together the starship from parts ‘involuntary donated’ by local spacers at Mos Espa. Refitted, Hekkik renamed the ship The Reclaim, and set off to the stars with dreams of glory and riches. But even a scavengers life is hard. There is much competition from the Squibs and especially the shape-changing blobs known as Ugors. Though it was an Ugor named Vorg that changed the future of The Reclaim. Captain Hekkik had reached the Elrood Sector and landed on the planet Lanthrym, a junk world in it’s own right. Hekkik wanted more from his starship so employed the services of Vorg. Vorgs job was to refit the Reclaim with a powerful furnace turning The Reclaim into a mobile foundry. It just so happened that Vorg had just what Hekkik wanted. Vorg had come into possession of the remains of the droid eating machine known as The Great Heap (see DROIDS cartoon for the further adventures of C-3PO & R2-D2). The Great Heap had one of the most powerful furnaces ever built, and Vorg had all but repaired it. The Reclaim was refitted and renamed The Great Reclaim. Hekkik was overjoyed with his ship. He paid Vorg and took to the stars where for several years her made a considerable profit. Fate struck a deadly blow against the Jawa traders. The Phoenix Pirates led by a ruthless reptile pirate known as Zaltar attacked the Jawas. Despite its defenses The Great Reclaim was no match for the pirate frigate. All aboard were killed, or so the pirates believed, and any valuables, of which there were few, taken. Unhappy at the lack of profit from the raid Zaltar decided to make some money from the ship itself, rather than his customary blasting it into oblivion. The Great Reclaim was sold to Grand Prospect. Grand Prospect is a Nosferartau, but lets all around believe he is an Ugnaught. He took the ship to Byblos Tower 214 where he planned to again refit the ship. Time and money lacking Grand Prospect has yet to make any changes to The Great Reclaim. To this day it sits in docking level 313, bay 05, awaiting a new owner. Grand Prospect has even reduced the price recently in a bid to get rid of the ship. History dictates that the legacy of The Great Reclaim is far from over.
![]() Attributes: 16D Vorg is an Ugor and can shift his Attributes according to his needs (and shape). As such he has no individual skill codes.
Usual Attributes: Dex 2D, Know 4D, Mech 1D Perc 4D, Str 2D, Tech 3D Vorg is not your typical Ugor in that he isn't rude and unpleasant. In fact he can be quite friendly and helpful if the mood takes him. He has worked from Lanthrym for the past seven years making the most from the luxurious planet (if you call a junk heap luxurious). Vorgs owns a large yard and usually has half a dozen people in his employ, often Jawas or other scavengers. He keeps a selection of droids handy, including several reconditioned Trade Federation Battle-Droids he picked up cheap at auction in the System of Paradise, just in case there is trouble.
Grand Prospect Race: Nosferartau
Ghost in the Machine To the Jawa crew of The Great Reclaim there is nothing mystical about the ship in the slightest. Talk to one of the droids that has ever passed though the hands of the Jawa traders and been aboard The Great Reclaim and they will tell you of the evil spirits that dwell on the starship, devouring droids. It is true that over the years many droids have disappeared. One of the engine crew named Jaskin did find the remnants of one of the ships protocol droids near the great furnace but put blame on the stupidity of the droid to have fallen in the furnace. Hekkik also noticed the disappearances, although he blamed this on his engineering crew selling the droids on the sly for a quick profit. He could never prove anything though. The truth is probably the blame of Vorg who refitted the ship. Along with the great furnace Vorg also used several salvaged computer chips from The Great Heap. These chips had a ‘ghost memory’ of the droid devouring machine. Over the years The Great Heaps personality has grown. The Great Heap has slowly tried to take over the ship, but the furnace controls, where the chips were used, are slaved off the engineering computers which run independently to the ships systems. The Great Heap has however been able to take control of the ships half-dozen MSE droids and the worker droid ASP-7. The Great Retainer, an EVE model master droid, has become suspicious of ASP-7's activities over the years, but does not suspect the existence of the dreaded Great Heap.
Droids of The Great Reclaim The Great Retainer MSE 1,2,7,9,12,14 ASP 4,7,9 Gonk 4, D-3P0, ZE-3PO R5-9
Captain Hekkik & the Jawa crew Hekkik is the eldest son of a typically large Jawa family. Traveling the deserts of Tatooine, moving from town to town, brought Hekkik into contact with many people including many off-worlders. Hekkik always dreamed of leading the clan into space, but knew the elders would never allow it. When disaster hit the tribe, an attack by Tusken Raiders, it left most of the elders dead, and Hekkik head of the clan. Hekkik brought prosperity to the clan and was well respected. Then came the day after the great storm. Hekkik discovered the crashed starship The Sandstorm. Exploring the vessel he found its crew were all dead, but the ship was repairable. Hekkik called this an omen, and called on his clan to move to the stars. The starship was repaired and renamed The Reclaim, and eventually The Great Reclaim. Hekkik made his fortune and was infamous to other Jawas. Then came the day that the pirate Zaltar attacked. Hekkik recognised the pirate frigate and immediately tried to flee. He used all the tricks he knew to try and out maneuver the pirate ship, but his efforts were in vain. The pirates boarded and slaughtered his crew. Hekkik somehow survived. A grenade was thrown onto the bridge. The blast killed the crew except for Hekkik who was saved by a sheet of metal that fell before him from the blast. Hekkik managed to hide out and eventually escape from the pirates. He made his way back to Tatooine where he encountered his old chief engineer Jaskin who had stayed behind on their last visit home. The two chatted and Hekkik swore he would get revenge on the pirates and take back The Great Reclaim. Jaskin agreed to help but disappeared in mysterious circumstances leaving Hekkik alone on his quest for revenge. Captain Hekkik
Equipment: Ion Blaster (4D), blaster pistol (4D), comlink, assorted tools, data pad.
The Squib Slythor Slythor is more than your average Squib (see Operation: Elrood by WEG). His criminal ‘empire’ was one of the largest on Lanthrym. Dealing in rare and unusual goods Slythor has never forgot the ways of his people. He has always kept his eye on the Ugor Vorg, but help no personal grudge against him. Slythor has been stealing from Vorg for years, without Vorgs knowledge, just for the fun of it. When Hekkik came to Vorg to refit the ship that was to become The Great Reclaim Slythor was interested. Jawas are a curious bunch, much as his own people are, and who knows what the desert scavengers might uncover. Slythor secretly arranged for monitoring devices to be fitted onto the ship. Unknown to Hekkik Slythor is capable of remotely accessing the ships computer, logs and navigational data. Should Hekkik discover a new world or hyper-route Slythor will know about it too. Fig, the Jawa Slythor paid to help him install this system, disappeared without trace shortly before The Great Reclaim left Lanthrym.
* This is the cost the Great Reclaim is currently being sold for by Grand Prospect at Byblos Tower 214 ** The Trash Dump drops garbage in the way of pursuing ships. Starship Piloting: Difficult to maneuver or receive 6D damage (scale starfighter or capital at GMs discretion).