You were warned!

In space,

you WILL scream!


Large Creature
HD 10D12+40 (105hp)
Initiative +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed 40'
Defense 24 (+14 Reflex)
Damage Reduction 16 (exoskeleton)
Claws     +16/+11   Damage D10+7
Bite         +15/+10  Damage 2D4+5
Tail Lash     +15/10 Damage 2D6
Special traits Acid Blood, Blindsight
Fort  +11
Ref  +14 
Will    +7
Str  20     Int  4
Dex  24     Wis  10  
Con  18     Cha  2
Balance  +12    
Climb  +16 
Jump  +10
Feats Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (Claw), Weapon Specilisation (Claw)
Organisation Solitary or swarm (5D10)
Acid Blood

Reflex Save 15 - 20' radius

Damage 2D8, plus 2D8 for 2D6 rounds

Other traits

DR 25 vs. chemicals

360o vision 

Do not require Listen or Spot checks to notice their prey!




Small Creature
HD 2D10 (10)
Initiative +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed 50'
Defense 18 (+7 Dex, +1 small)
Damage Reduction 8 (exoskeleton)
Attach  +7 Damage: Special
Special traits Acid Blood, Blindsight
Fort  +11
Ref  +14 
Will    +7
Str  18 Int  4
Dex  24 Wis  8
Con  18 Cha  2
Feats Improved Initiative, , Weapon Focus (Attatch)
Organisation Solitary or swarm (5D10)
Acid Blood

Reflex Save 10 - 3' radius

Damage 1D8, plus 1D8 for 2D6 rounds

Other traits

DR 25 vs. chemicals

360o vision 

Do not require Listen or Spot checks to notice their prey!

Attached Facehugger The face hugger remains attached for 2D8 hours, where it impregnates it's prey with an alien embryo.  Removing the Face hugger requires Dex & Str checks DC25 and takes 2D6 rounds.  During this time the Facehugger will attempt to strangel it's prey and cause 1D8 wounds (Not Vitality) per round.  Wonding the facehugger causes acid damage to it's victim.

Once impregnated the Chestburster will break out of it's host in 2D6 hours, killing the host.







"That's bad luck.  There's no DHD on LV-426"